Route summary
The route is 16.7miles (26.7km) and links with the Sarsen Way at Salisbury and the Wessex Ridgeway at Win Green.
The route directions below are written for walkers. There are slight variations for riders. There is no viable route through Salisbury for equestrians and it is envisaged that they would end (or start) on the A3094, or before. They also take a slightly different route round Stratford Tony church.
The walkers, mountain bikers and equestrians pages have links to maps of the respective routes and reflect the slight differences.
The route is waymarked using the logo on the left.
GPX/KML files can be downloaded from the mountain biking route or the walking route from the links on the right of these pages. The equestrian route has not been separately mapped but follows the same route as the mountain biking route, but we suggest you stop short of Salisbury.
Route Directions
East to West – from Salisbury to Win Green
- Salisbury to Stratford Tony church, 4.8 miles (7.7 km)
- Stratford Tony church to Woodminton Down, 6.4 miles (10.2 km)
- Woodminton Down to Win Green, 5.5 miles (8.8 km)
West to East – from Win Green to Salisbury
- Win Green to Cow Down Hill, 6.4 miles (10.4 km)
- Cow Down Hill to Stratford Tony church, 5.5 miles (8.8 km) (the alternative adds another 0.5 mile)
- Stratford Tony church to Salisbury, 4.8 miles (7.7 km)
Cirerone have published a guidebook of the Sarsen Way & Cranborne Droves Way from Coate Water Park to Salisbury and the Cranborne Droves Way (28km) connecting Salisbury to Wessex Ridgeway at Win Green. These long-distance paths are part of the Great Chalk Way. Suggested 2-8 day itineraries, OS maps, accommodation options, and reverse route descriptions are included. You can find more details here.
If you have questions or comments on the route. Then please contact Tim Lewis the promoter of the Cranborne Droves Way route email